by Melissa Cruz

One evening I was spending time with my family and I couldn't help but think about purpose. What is my purpose? Am I living on purpose? What does all of that even mean? I started thinking about my life. I thought about the past, where I am now, and where I want to be in the future. This hurriedly wrote the words on my heart that night.
P: Passion
Do you have a passion for life? Are you someone who wakes up in the morning and hits the snooze button? Do you wake up each day and the first thing you think and say is ughhhhh? How much longer can you live like that? What needs to happen in order for you to have passion to live, again? What needs to change for you to find that passion you’ve got down deep inside?
U: Unstoppable
Being unstoppable is about not giving up. Not allowing what others think to derail you off the path you were put on this Earth for. It’s finding a way to overcome obstacles because you matter and you are here for a reason. No one should get in my way of that, ever. What does this mean for you? What legacy are you leaving behind? What do you want to be remembered for?
R: Resilient
When was the last time you slowed down enough to look back at your life? How much have you overcome? How many times have you told yourself you can’t do something? Or be YOU? How many times have you fallen and picked yourself up off the floor? You are more resilient than you think. And, to live life on purpose is going to require you to do it every single time.
P: Playful
Whether in your personal life or business if you are not having fun then you are doing something wrong. Is life stressful? Yes. Is building a business stressful? Yes. Is trying to accomplish a ginormous goal stressful? Yes. Is sometimes just living stressful? Yes. But, if you are not taking the time to find the joy in it all, you will live an entire lifetime and miss it.
O: Optimistic
Are you the type of person that stuff just always happens to you? Do you tend to play victim? Do you own how you show up? Do you notice how your energy affects others around you? Are you a glass half empty or half full type of person? Sometimes if we just take note of ourselves and our attitudes, that awareness in itself can open up a whole new world for us. We can decide how we view life right now.
S: Shine
Do you believe that you are meant to shine? Do you know you shine already? Are you living a life true to who you are? Or are you living a life someone else thinks you should live? There is something so unique inside of each of us. Are you tapping into that something special? Are you playing small in life? There is not enough time in this world to be anything less than you. Shine bright everyday.
E: Eternally grateful
How often do you practice gratitude? What are you grateful for?Â
How often do you look at your life and the people in it? How about the love you’ve experienced? How about for all the hard times that pushed you to be better. Finding gratitude in even the smallest things is a game changer.
You have purpose, you are purpose. It is your job to live on purpose and make the best of your life.