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She Rises Studios

Chantel Booley “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all”

How often, as women we look in the mirror and never see the fairest of them all? We say the mirror never lies. The mirror doesn’t lie but we lie to the mirror. 

Women look into the mirror and tell themselves how they don’t look, how they don’t feel and what they see they are not. These words whether spoken out loud or silently affects our mental and emotional health. 

Our minds are a great source of health to our bodies but our mental words affects our whole being. 

What are you saying to yourself today? 

What we tell ourselves is often what we become. Words like “you’re not as young as you used to be”, “who is going to love you now?”, “you can’t do that”, “you’re not good enough” and more changes the way we see ourselves and view the world around us. It also makes us think that’s how others see and accept us. 

How sad to think we reduce our worth ourselves more than others. Change your view of you by changing the words you use to more positive and honest ones like “you are worth more than you believe”, “you can do anything you are willing to work for”, “accept yourself before anyone else does” and more. 

Believe me, when you change what you are telling yourself, you will feel treasured, you will walk with confidence and enjoy your life more. The world around you will see this too and love having you in their space too.  

What if others put me down with their words? Forgive them and leave them behind. Women don’t realize it how often we judge each other to make us feel better about ourselves. However, it actually makes us judge ourselves more and in turn, damage our own mental health. Don’t be average and judge, be extraordinary and uplift!  Our time on earth and in this life is so short. Why do we waste it on creating more negativity and anxiety? The world is already in dire straits. Imagine if each woman every day embraces their image in the mirror and encourages the next woman to do the same, how the world would change. 

Women, realise that you are a powerful being on this earth, and all people around you, need our nurturing and talents to uplift and create a better tomorrow. 

Women, to become a super power on earth, you have to become your own super power for you. 

How do you do this? Check in with yourself on a regular basis. Tell yourself all the good things that form your being, the good things you have to offer to others and the good things you still want to learn. 

Not sure what the good things are? Don’t be afraid to ask others what qualities they appreciate and love about you. We don’t see what others see. Change your perspective on yourself and you will change your perspective of others. 

Super Queen, your cape might not always be seen but let it flow behind you for you! Your power is in your mind, your emotion within your soul and your actions within your being. 

Your will, your weapon!


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