Written By Cheri Dixon

Life can be quite a challenge. The economy, sustaining our personal and professional relationships, and navigating life as a mom, wife, sister, or daughter are just a few of the ever-changing hurdles as women we face. For many, it isn't just these but add to it wanting to build a successful career on top of it all, and we quickly realize how overwhelming it can be. The great news is that we have choices. We can choose how we show up in life. We can choose who we respond to the challenges that come our way. We can choose our future path of success. Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Yes! How are you choosing to live your life?
I remember my big aspirations from childhood. Many thought I was just a dreamer, wanting so much from life that may be out of reach. But others saw something in me and encouraged me to live a big life, facing all these hurdles, learning how to gracefully leap over them, and make those audacious goals a reality. So, I did just that!
Limiting beliefs can creep up for all of us from time to time, holding us back and causing us to wonder if we are good enough to have the life we want. Intimidation and insecurities will stifle our dreams in a moment if we don’t learn how to build confidence and empower ourselves to live a big life, not the one that life’s circumstances determine for us. Believing you are worthy is the first step in building confidence. You must determine what you want, believe you can accomplish it, and give yourself permission to move forward. Confidence breeds confidence… the more you do something, the better you become, and the more confident you will feel. When you develop the courage to take those first steps forward, even when you are afraid, you will begin to feel your inner desire for the life you want to build, until you can think about nothing more. You dream about your goals. You tell everyone about your plans. And you begin to believe that they can become reality.
It takes digging deep to find your inner strength, but a courageous woman is unstoppable.
Having a clear path to reach your goals is a key part of your success. I often think back to the days of having those big paper maps that we all used to help us navigate trips around the city. Without that map, we just drive around, wondering if we are moving in the right direction. Being clear on your own road map in life is just as important. Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish (the destination) and a solid plan that will give you the right steps to get there (your map) will guide you forward each day as you build your big life. Having confidence that you are worthy and capable of building your dream life, one that you want to wake up to each day, is your first step. Having the courage to get out of your comfort zone and begin to make that life a reality will start your journey. And being clear about what you want that life to be and how to make it happen will ensure you build that life you want, not one that is determined by the hurdles and challenges that come our way!
Join me each week on Confident, Courageous, and Clear with Cheri, as I highlight stories of women who have done just that, built a life on their terms amidst all those challenges that have come her way. New episodes are released every Wednesday on FENIX TV! FB:cheri.dixon.35
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