Jennifer Hoffman
90% or more of what we do is unconscious. We learn and grow in the world around us through teachers, experiences, cultural and societal norms. If you think of the human mind as a computer, these learned habits, ways of being and accepted constructs of “what is” can be thought of as programs. Our daily practiced schedules, routines and rituals are learned and inherited habits. Yet, what if we disrupt the typical flow and move from that “autopilot” or cruise control setting? This requires self-awareness and with awareness comes the responsibility to make choices along our path. This is the act of navigating life consciously.
You may question, “but what is the point of navigating life consciously? Why do it?” The primary answer to that question is the acquisition of freedom. We gain the freedom to choose how to live life on our own terms. This is very important to the Soul, the inseparable and timeless aspect of the Self, who wants to live life in its fullest, most authentic expression. This is also very important to the human Self in terms of physical, mental and emotional health in order to live in the most personally supportive and nourished way.
There is medicine in the 90% - the parts of ourselves we keep hidden and the things that we do without a second thought. The key to life is to gradually reacquaint oneself with the 90%; to peel back the layers of Self like that of an onion to see what we are at our core. In meeting our true authentic essence and in gaining awareness of who we are – our core values, desires, dreams, strengths, weaknesses, needs – we can consciously choose to live life with those things in mind. Little by little, we can transition ourselves to meet our own needs, follow our dreams, confront or delegate our weaknesses, utilize our strengths and connect with our people!
So how do we become conscious?
First, there must be a deep level of curiosity, openness and the willingness to learn what is unconscious. Pondering big questions like, “who am i? why am I hear? What does my heart and soul desire for me in this life?” can catapult us into uncovering that unconscious 90%.
This naturally leads us to the second item – acquiring a deep awareness of Self by uncovering and connecting to the Soul. This can be done through spiritual practices and mindfulness techniques. Meditation and prayer are great for this, as well as creative expression and movement. Anything that cultivates mental stillness and/or biological flow to support the mind in opening up and receiving (divine, universal wisdom). Next comes an understanding that the physical body and Earth is the chosen home of the Soul. Choosing to prioritize physical health by aligning with the wisdom of nature, whole food nutrition, and ancestral ways of being therefore feels like second nature. There is a concept called bio-individuality meaning that every human is different, so their health and consumed diet should be treated as such with personalized care. This is where learning one’s own personal desires and needs can be very beneficial. The human body speaks to us, yet do we listen? Various pain points and inflammatory diseases have root causes rooted within one’s lifestyle choices and emotional terrain.
With physical health, a fundamental level of connection and balance with mental health occurs. Both are so deeply tied together through the gut, cellular and hormonal communication and the nervous system. Stress reduction, nervous system regulation and non-toxic lifestyle habits support healing and maintaining the delicate, yet resilient mental environment.
Then there is emotional and energetic health – this is deeply tied to our physical, mental, relational and spiritual ecosystems. Energy expresses itself thru the human as emotions. The body communicates to us through sensations and intuition. Cultivating, learning and mastering how our energy, emotions and intuition speak to us serves us in living a deeply aware, vibrant and more empowered life.
These five steps – an initial curiosity and opening, cultivated self-awareness, physical attunement, mental balance, emotional and energetic strength – will lead to living a purposeful, vibrant life in a united, nourished body and Soul. • instagram: @jargonwithjen