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Emotional Health Effects Mental Health And Is Compounded With Each Generation!

She Rises Studios

Written By Shae Regan As a Positive Mindset Mentor; Positive Parenting Consultant; Relationship Guide; and creator of Health Burst, a simple, effective, natural methodology designed to restore health, and free the mindset and body of " Inflammation Pollution," so one can lose weight and find their body again functions as nature intended;

I've seen a decline in several corresponding areas that seem to be overlooked as contributors to mental health.

Mental Health Issues appear to be more prominent presently than in the last century.

Equally more prominent is the amount of people in general, who become unprepared parents, failing at teaching their children about life 1.01, accountability, responsibility, and that one must apply one's self to reap beneficial fruits of successful ideas starting with: conception, planning, choices, follow- through, adaptability, and completion!

Too many parents have become parents without the ability to provide the emotional support a child needs. They often cannot even provide the basics to their children: food, shelter, clothing, safety, and guidance. They struggle trying to "do it all" for lack of preparation. They are preoccupied with working due to one-parent households. They can't teach what they don't know and haven't lived by example!

Essential elements are then missing for a child's balanced, encouraging mental and emotional growth, as well as their physical needs for healthy development.

Each generation suffers more than the last with stress and anxiety that would be unnecessary if planning took precedence over emotional satiation!

When parents are stressed, children know, and subsequently, they absorb and harbor that stress, because they have little control to effect change. That lingers and affects people into adulthood because such circumstances are the child's "normal."

Often, when the children reach adulthood, they struggle with wanting to avoid, and yet magnetically gravitating to the same because it's what they "know"!

If parents argue, children will find mates to recreate a similar scenario. If parents struggle with finances, the child often has an attraction/fear relationship to money. If parents don't address challenges, the child often can be "avoidant."

Then add to that the "food-like substances" often purchased on a tight budget do not offer nutritious sustenance for growing minds and bodies. They don't support adult bodies' needs either.

This further stresses out the body, like starving it. Lack of nutrients leads to lack of energy, which leads to lack of circulation, which leads to lack of brain health, and so on.

Additionally, people often turn to medications for headaches, aches and pains and other issues, which further fractures the body's natural functions to deal with stress and healing; instead of turning to simple natural answers: eating well, hydration, sleeping enough working at something one enjoys and is talented at doing! The "breakdown" can be profound, and compounds with each generation. With that, often comes anger, less emotional control, wanting more, and having less opportunities because the mind doesn't perform well under stress. Cognition diminishes. Comprehension is difficult. Retention is challenging. Those all add more to the original stresses!

A mind in a deeply stressful situation is in "survival mode." It's mild to severe PTSD!

It's difficult to predict what someone can do in "survival mode." Anything is possible, from lifting a car off of someone to manipulation to arguing constantly, to stealing, to physical fights, to harming people!

The drop in mental health and the increases in outbursts, of emotional unwellness, bullying, and violence, all coincide with the lack of teaching how to care for one's self, and love and serve in the capacity of one's passion and purpose.

Productive, positively energized people, focus on honing and sharing their abilities, helping others to improve their lives and create success.

Productive, positive people are busy planning their next steps to connect to more people, to share more of their journey, their triumphs, their challenges, and the fruits of all the learning processes with more people!

How do people become positively charged and productive?

Instead of looking to others to do for them, tell them what to do, when, and for how long; productive, purposed people look both inwardly and up!

Too many people have lost sight of the bigger picture that we are all a part of the journey together. We are all created for a purpose, that only we can achieve. No matter what your beliefs may be, we are here to complete a mission to love and serve. One's likes, gifts, talents, and passions, are the hints to follow, to hone, to experience, and to gain confidence and presence. Then we must share and affect someone's life for the better!

People will become attracted to the altruistic care offered and a business can emerge.

"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life." You live what you love!

Simple ways to achieve mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health are:

- Take time to care for yourself.

- Eat healthy whole foods.

- Sleep eight hours.

- Walk for 30 minutes at leisure and look up in awe that you are alive, here and now!

- Write down, pray, or say grace before eating, sleeping, taking action, and making a decision about what you are thankful, grateful, and appreciative of in your life!

- Remain teachable, open, and receptive.

- Be ready, willing, and available to share what you know, when needed and appropriate, and to know when that is.

- Be respectful of yourself and others!

- If you offend, immediately tend to "the broken slat on the bridge" to avoid more damage or burning that bridge!

- create resources from connections and synergy. Working with others creates more options and opportunities!

- Make your bed every day! Even if everything tanks that day, at least you accomplished one thing! And you can go to sleep in a comfy, neat bed!

I've seen amazing paradigm shifts in people's lives from this simple approach! Remember, "like forces" are attracted, so choose to be positive and "see" your decisions leading to success in your Mindset. Your mind will always prove you're right.

Those mindset methods combat mental illness in ways you can direct! | HealthBurst


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