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written by: Carolyn Deck "Above the Turbulence. Your Ticket Out Of Pain to Purpose" shares my journey and transformation to becoming the best me. My dream and goal is to encourage and inspire others to discover themselves, a call to BE YOU.

The tangled mess living in life's chaos poses the question, “Who am I?” Writing my story, a journey of discovery, I learned the power we all have - CHOICE. 

"CHOICE DEFINES...How I respond is the key to my destiny." Carolyn Deck

Understanding the power of your response will take you to a destiny you never thought possible. “Why?” is needed, however, asking '”what?”will drive you on. Gives you choice. 

Stop and ask; What do you believe, controlling your actions resulting in the outcomes of your life? What lie may be hiding in what you beLIEve? What if you are living a lie believing what someone said about you? Or what you tell yourself. What thoughts do you need to examine to BE YOU?

Through life's reflective lens, I uncovered beauty, even in the chaos. This changed everything. Amid dysfunction, a powerful realization struck: Get Out of Dysfunction, Give Order in the Decision, Greatness Out of Despair - G.O.D. I choose to see, listen, feel and believe Him. He was always there, even when I didn't know Him or feel His presence. He not only loves me tenderly, He knows me better than I 

know myself.  His light of truth transformed my thinking out of the lens of my wounded experiences and trauma, and I turned off those destructive voices of others and those I listened to in my head. From questioning everything to the embrace of who I am through the eyes of God who made me, obviously not perfect, I am uniquely me. He taught me what He wants for me..."BE YOU."  FACT: Comparison is a killer. God created you uniquely to BE YOU. Know this - originals are way more valuable than any copy will ever be. You are beautiful, greatly loved, immeasurably valuable, and fully accepted as you are. No need for comparison or compromise. KNOW YOU. BE YOU.  Striding out, holding His trustworthy hand, I walk with confidence, every next step because I know who and whose I am. Firmly rooted in God's love for me, I travel this world knowing I am passing through with my final home in my sights - Heaven. This truth takes me above the turbulences of life giving me a higher perspective and a greater purpose. I trust in God's boundless understanding and unwavering love. Believing in God's infinite wisdom and unconditional love allows me to surrender my limitations receiving His gifts of strength and guidance, peace and hope. The joy of His resurrection empowers me to embrace all life has for me. I live fully with purpose and gratitude. My book is my testimony and my legacy.



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