by Cindy Hartzell

Recently, I realized my own resistance stemmed from a lack of self-acceptance. I needed to grant myself permission to love myself with all my imperfections. By accepting myself , I could extend that same compassion to others, appreciating their uniqueness and inner beauty without judgment. This insight has touched many areas of my life. Could I be gentle with myself over past decisions made from fear or resistance? Could I embrace these experiences with unqualified love and total acceptance, without self-condemnation? Recognizing these facets as part of me, I could learn and move forward. My horse, Sky, has been a wonderful teacher in acceptance. In the past weeks, she’s endured a painful recovery from surgery, restricted freedom, and a changed diet to prevent further issues. Despite these simultaneous challenges, Sky greets every day with her open heart and tolerant eyes. She accepts whatever each new day brings and is willing to make the best of it. She has given herself to me, demonstrating that the way to do life is through love and forgiveness. When I fail to honor and accept others for who they are, I lose sight of their true essence. By withholding tolerance and acceptance, I miss the chance to connect with fellow human beings who, like me, suffer and yearn for love. Judging their behavior, lifestyle, or beliefs, I become entangled in their struggles, reflecting my own unresolved issues. Denying unconditional love, I hinder both their and my opportunities for self-acceptance and compassion. There is a quiet strength in embracing oneself , a strength that doesn't rely on external validation. This strength grows from understanding that our worth is inherent and not defined by our actions or others' opinions. It is a journey of discovering the light within, a light that shines regardless of the shadows cast by past experiences or future uncertainties. This journey is personal yet resonant, a testament to the resilience and beauty found in every woman's heart. Observing my horses and their acceptance of life's challenges has taught me to allow my life to flow as part of my divine path. Rather than labeling experiences as good or bad, I find peace, joy, and love for myself, my life, and everyone I encounter. Horses have shown me that accepting all without resistance is to live in the moment and savor every experience. When I’m not honoring and accepting others for who they are, I lose sight of their true being and their inner light.Â
By failing to give them tolerance and acceptance, I deny myself the opportunity to connect to my fellow human beings who suffer and yearn for love like me. By passing judgment on their behavior, lifestyle, or beliefs, I am drawn into their creation. My reaction is what their creation mirrors or triggers for me. In their struggle to get their own self-acceptance, I must nurture them and myself with unconditional love. I have grown through observing my horses and their ability to accept life’s challenges. It is through these insights that I’ve gained an increased ability to allow my life to flow and to accept all as part of my divine path. Rather than labeling aspects of experiences as good or bad, I am able to feel peace, joy, and love for myself, my life, and all who cross my path. Acceptance is about receiving something or someone without judgment. When irritated or fearful, we aren't accepting some aspect
of the situation. This resistance is directed at the person, event, or what it triggers within us. @heartsoulhorsemanship/playlists heartsoulconfidencebasedhorsemanship heartsoulconfidencebasedhorsemanship