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The title alone takes you back to the many times that you were not your best. When you questioned why you were in the relationship, career, and/or business that you are in. The times when you were frustrated, exhausted, anxious, depressed, and angry all on the same day. But let us turn the page because while those things happened and they did have a very real impact on your life, your story is still being written.

The pages of your life are still turning and you have the star role in deciding how everything plays out. The thing about constantly thinking about what was or what happened is that you stay there. Your body literally reacts to those things that you choose to give your thoughts and energy to.

Don’t believe me? When you see those blue lights flashing in your rearview mirror, what does your heart do? Did your hands grip the steering wheel tighter? When you come out from the grocery store and find that someone has hit your car, what does your heart do? What kind of colorful words came to mind and out of your mouth? Exactly. So let’s try something different.

Let’s try focusing on you, the you that you want to be. The successful business owner. The wonderful mom. The amazing wife. The woman with the fabulous career that was just promoted. What does that person look like? Hair, clothing, nails, makeup. Where is that person’s confidence level? What does their bank account look like? What do they drive? Can you be this person? ABSOLUTELY!

You can be that person and any version of that person. But what you can’t be is the person who is always surviving and never thriving. You can’t be that person who is always dwelling on their past and never working on their future. YOU CAN’T BE STUCK! The only thing you get from going in circles is dizzy.

Make the decision today to consistently step up and step out. Step up into your present future by stepping out of your comfort zone. Make the decision to introduce one new thing into your life every month and keep it for 30 days. But it has to be something that is going to feed your goals and purpose.

If you are trying to be more financially responsible and save money for a new car, new house, or new shoes then you have to drop something for thirty days and put that money in your savings. The vente coffee disappears. Eating out every day stops to just one day a week. If you want to see your business grow, then you have to get out and tell people about your business. Join an online networking group where you are allowed to post about what you offer for free. Be active in the group for 30 straight days.

Get a Coach who can help you in your business and follow their strategy to the letter. Your scars don’t define you and they certainly don’t limit you. Your scars tell the story of someone who is UNSTOPPABLE! Someone who is choosing to defy the odds. You don’t have to show up perfectly, but you do have to show up! And no, you are not faking it ‘til you make it. You are using what is already inside you so that the you that you were meant to be, overshadows the you that you felt like you had to be.

Be Resilient! Be Focused! Be Patient! Be Unstoppable! @whatshesaidcoaching


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