Article Written By: Yolonda Lee What is life? Each individual may define life differently based on their childhood, adulthood, circumstances, experiences, or other factors they may have encountered in their life.
Is life getting up every day going to a job or perhaps operating your own business? Is life seeing to the wellbeing of yourself, loved ones,
and others? Is life our success? Is life our economic status? What really is life? Have individuals experienced or are experiencing a job where they are not content; however, to maintain a decent lifestyle of daily living to provide for themselves and their families, they deal with things they really do not want to put up with. However, when thinking about receiving that paycheck each week or biweekly and the responsibilities they have, it seems to have them captive to situations to hang in there. How about this? Is life living from day-to-day hoping for dreams to come true not knowing really when it will happen?
Life is everyone’s source of faith, food, and favor. The scriptures let us know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Also, the scriptures state that the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). Faith, whether one is a believer or not, is a part of life. Faith is a source to know that there is hope. Regardless of circumstances or situations, faith will allow one to see further than their current status of living and realize that there are opportunities for betterment. Faith is what will allow one to get to the next level in life beyond what they currently are in. To spark the faith in one's life, read, meditate, and trust upon the following faith scriptures:
Romans 1:17 • Hebrews 11:1 • Hebrews 11:6 Realize that it does not take a mountain of faith to move forward in the things of life. If one has faith the size of a mustard seed, they have enough faith that can move whatever mountain(s) may be hindering, sidetracking, or distracting them from their betterment.
Life is you! You have faith to pursue the things you desire in life. Life is you loving yourself. Life is you having self-respect, character, and kindness. Life is you being there for your loved ones and showing up for others in whatever you do but not forgetting to make time for yourself. Life is the simple things in life that can have significant meaning. Life is food. Not just natural food but what one consumes that is anything they allow themselves to consume that impacts their wellbeing.

Do they consume foods of negative talk, gossip, rumors, or unkind words? Life is a favor. Will they trust God for the favor that was predestined for them? Favor that will allow them to walk in open doors and opportunities designed for them that no one else can do it like them? Favor that will show up in their life beyond their own capabilities. Life is living in faith, consuming foods for their natural and spiritual life for good, and favor destined for them.
Therefore, it is hoped that this article will have a touch of life-changing impact to one.
One is encouraged to never give up on life. ❤️