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Top 5 Tips to Ignite Your Confidence Within

by Sonya McDonald, RN,BSN,BCC

Confidence is the foundation for all other aspects of our lives. It helps us to make decisions, overcome challenges, cope with stress, and deal effectively with others. It also gives us the courage to take risks, face fears, and be bold in pursuing what matters most to us.

If your confidence is knocked, getting it back can be a real challenge - but this is a very important journey to embark upon. To help, I have put together five tips to help you regain your lost confidence and get back to living your best life.

Show Yourself Compassion

It’s easy to fall into a negative mindset when things aren’t going well. You may start thinking that you are not good enough or that no one will like you - this is where self-doubt creeps in. But if you want to ignite your confidence, then don’t let these thoughts hold you back. Transform your mindset to focus on your achievements and successes and take time to be grateful.

Take Imperfect Uncomfortable Action

Taking action builds internal confidence by pushing you beyond your limits and proves that you can handle challenges. A strategy is to start small and each time you face the discomfort it will get easier, and your confidence will grow.

Surround Yourself with Positive People and a Positive Mindset

Seek out relationships and environments that encourage growth and well-being, where you feel supported and inspired to be your best self. Align yourself with people who share your values and positivity. If someone is being negative around you, reframe your thoughts towards the positive- you will naturally distance yourself from negativity, creating an empowering space for your confidence to thrive.  

Focus on What You Can Control

When you are feeling low in confidence, it is tempting to blame everything around you. We tend to believe that there must be something wrong with us because of the circumstances we find ourselves in. The truth is that we cannot control everything that happens to us. Instead of blaming others, we need to learn to accept responsibility for our actions and reactions. Make a list of all the things that are worrying you, and then cross out the ones that! are totally out of your control. Take the ones that are remaining and consider one thing that you can fix about each of them. This will help you feel more in control.

Make Sure You Take Time for Your Appearance and Self Care

If you look good, you will feel good. Taking care of ourselves is very important. Figure out which clothes, looks, hairstyles, and even make-up trends look good on you. Spend time getting dressed, applying makeup, and doing your hair. Then smile at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you look fantastic. Always speak kind positive thoughts to yourself. We often forget to look after ourselves as we rush from one thing to another. This means that we end up feeling exhausted and stressed out, which makes us more likely to feel low in confidence. So, take time out for yourself every day. Whether it's having a bath, reading a book, meditating, journaling, or just spending quality time with friends and family, doing something nice for yourself will give you an  immediate lift. Just make sure it is something that makes you feel great.

Igniting your confidence doesn't have to be hard work. Taking the time to implement these simple steps into your daily life will have a major impact on your confidence levels.


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