by: Kristy Weterings

Step 1: Get to know Yourself.Â
When you don’t know who you are, what gives you energy and what skills and talents you’re naturally good at, you are like a ship that has set sail with no direction. We have been formed and shaped into the person we are today by our upbringing, where we lived, our friends, our hobbies, etc. Through this we have acquired certain skills that we might have become good at but that don’t necessarily give us energy or make us happy. We end up choosing a job that doesn’t make us happy but that’s approved by society, that gives us security, status, and a good paycheck. What eventually happens is that we hop from one job to the next, hoping that the next one will be more fulfilling, only to discover that none of them keep us feeling fulfilled. So, my advice to you is before you start scrolling endlessly on LinkedIn looking for a new job, go on an inner journey first, discover who you truly are, what gives you energy, and what will make you happy in a job.Â
Step 2: Master your Mindset.Â
Women usually stay in an unfulfilling job because their fears, self-doubt and limiting beliefs are standing in the way of what they want. Remember that these are just beliefs, they are not the truth. You need to stop letting this negative voice inside your head (which is just trying to keep you safe and in your comfort zone) take control over your life. From this position, you will only search for jobs that suit the image of what others expect from you, leaving you feeling unhappy. Therefore, it’s vital that you start working on your mindset and start shifting your beliefs to more positive ones.Â
Step 3: Dream Big.Â
Imagine if anything is possible, what would you do? Imagine if you had all time, money, and skills that you need to realize your dream, what would you do? When we were children, we had huge fantasies and could make up all sorts of fantasy stories. As we get older our fantasy gets less triggered and we forget how to just let our thoughts run wild. Your brain will always try and keep you safe. Your brain is developed in such a way that it will focus on the negative and keep you in your comfort zone because it wants to protect you from pain and danger. Your brain would rather want you to be unhappy and safe than out of your comfort zone and happy. Instead of listening to the negative voices inside your head try to let your creative brain go. Imaging if anything is possible, what would you do?Â
Step 4: Get clear on your why.Â
Try to imagine your future self. Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel? What do you want your future life to look like if you could have anything and do anything you want? When you are not crystal clear on why you want to change your career, you will never get into action towards achieving your goals and dreams. When you know the bigger picture of why you want to do a certain thing you will be more motivated and driven to achieve that goal. Then you know what kind of impact it will eventually make on those around you. Step 5: Take action. We tend to procrastinate because we want everything to be perfect. Perfectionism will prevent you from taking action. If you wait for all the circumstances to be perfect before you decide to make a change, you will be waiting for a very long time.Â
Step 5: Take action.Â
We tend to procrastinate because we want everything to be perfect. Perfectionism will prevent you from taking action. If you wait for all the circumstances to be perfect before you decide to make a change, you will be waiting for a very long time.Â
Many women don’t take action because they have so many ideas that they can’t choose. They are also afraid of making the wrong choice and feel like they are not ready. Remember, you can always change your course along the way if you need to. Even if it’s a tiny step in the right direction. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.Â
What small action step can you take today? Website:Â
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