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Breaking Free: A Journey from Childhood Trauma to Healing

Emily Cleghorn

You’re searching for answers— you’ve googled “how to overcome childhood trauma” more times than you’d like to admit and you’ve done more therapy than a little but you’re not getting the outcomes you’re wanting.

I get it— I've been there too.

For so much of my life, I believed that I was a waste of space and that no one cared if I was even here. I spent much of my life to this point making myself so small and invisible to not take up any space. I never felt like I fit anywhere I went— even within the biological families I was born into which gave way to a deeply rooted sense of loneliness. Those big scary emotions— the remnants of the trauma— that we’ve been told for so long are “bad” and shouldn’t be expressed are the ones we push down but here’s the thing— they come out in some way. Whether it’s when your kid is having a temper tantrum and you absolutely lose it or someone isn’t going as fast through the checkout at the grocery store and you become irritable and downright mean to anyone within earshot.

Perhaps it isn’t just your emotions being dysregulated where your trauma makes itself known. Maybe you also struggle with digestive disorders or hormonal imbalances. This too, is trauma’s impact on your body.

What I have come to understand is that trauma doesn’t just impact one area of an individual’s life but it has a far-reaching and long-lasting impact if we choose to continue to allow it to run our lives. I’ve also learned that every system and every aspect of our lives— our physical well-being, emotional well-being, spiritual, financial, and relational well-being are all connected. Nothing is isolated.

So, if our trauma was the majority psychological and there were no visible bruises or cuts… that trauma, those words and mind games still have an impact on your physical health. They can still cause physical illness just like being physically beaten up.

There comes a point in your healing journey when you have to stop focusing on the traumatic events and start focusing on breaking free and what has helped you rise up out of the ashes to live life on the other side of the trauma. For those, like me, who have childhood trauma that has impacted us on a developmental level, it’s hard to know who we are as individuals without the trauma and that seems like a ridiculous thing to even say because we will never be without the trauma. It will always be there but it doesn’t have to rule over our lives. We can break free.

Breaking free from the bondage of trauma is a feat that seems impossible because the trauma and those who traumatized you have led you to believe that life is just a miserable existence and we have no hope of being loved, seen or valued.

I am here to tell you these things couldn’t be further from the truth and although healing from a traumatic childhood especially while parenting is one of the most challenging things you can do, it is possible.

Join me on the "Mamahood After Trauma Podcast", where we navigate mamahood while healing childhood trauma. This podcast provides tools and resources, candid discussions and insights to help you find grace and ease in your journey. Remember, healing is possible, and you are worthy of a life free from the shadows of trauma. Let's embark on this journey together towards healing and reclaiming our lives.  • mamahoodaftertrauma


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