Trish Gleason

Have you ever gorged down a donut after someone gave you a compliment? This is a stepping stone to building & keeping confidence. Create stepping stones to build your self-esteem.
Your confidence constantly needs replenishment, especially today in a society where bullying, judgements & criticism is the norm. We receive NATURAL stepping stones such as compliments about our hairstyle or successes. A new professional license is an example of a self-created stepping stone and although you may not receive accolades, internally you are proud of improving your confidence. Let’s delve into what women are up against.
“According to a study in 2023 by the National Bureau of Economic Research, close to 80% of women struggle with low self-esteem and shy away from self-advocacy at work”. One study shows 78% of girls age 17 are unhappy with their bodies creating a lifelong self-esteem battle.
Most people would define me as very confident - but it wasn't always like that. I was very insecure with low self esteem during my entire elementary school years. I never raised my hand even once. My 3rd grade teacher mocked me in the front of the class creating a valuable lesson. I was petrified to speak in front of the class so when the teacher called my name I put both hands/fingers to my mouth and began chomping away biting my fingernails, as usual. When I did not answer, the teacher put her fingers in her mouth & began moving them back & forth like she was eating corn on the cob on steroids mocking me. This was a bona-fide CHOP DOWN and I soon realized people were going to do this for the rest of my life. I had to recover by building my self-esteem back up. When someone chops me down now I have learned to rebuild myself, to rebuild my confidence back to the same or better. 3 easy ways to purposely create new or natural STEPPING STONES to build your confidence in a fast track way.
Affirmations - Look in the mirror every day and give yourself the best of compliments. Tell yourself you are successful, be positive. Have you heard of phone telemarketers keeping a mirror at their desk to make sure they are smiling all the time? It’s true, it works. Search google about affirmations to learn many lessons.
Smiling - This activates sensors in your brain to trick you into happiness and boost your health. Dr. I. Gupta, a neurologist from IGEA Brain and Spine explains, “a smile spurs a chemical reaction in the brain, releasing certain hormones including dopamine and serotonin to increase our feelings of happiness. Serotonin is associated with reduced stress. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression and aggression.”
Create your own stepping stones or put yourself in a position to receive and recognize natural stepping stones. Dressing up, being purposeful in your attire and good attitude and attending events to create a stepping stone. Put yourself in a position to get a natural complement. If you're a great baker, create something grand and take it to an event to “fish'' for a compliment. We all need to build up our confidence.

Go to to learn holistic education from world renown doctors on - broadcasting in 137 countries. Help others by giving them compliments to help them with their stepping stones in life and discourage any attempts to inadvertently “chop down” anyone. Be purposeful knowing you need to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem every day.