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Faith over Fear

She Rises Studios

Tamara Shields

She grew up in a small town, and her childhood was just as challenging as any other child who grew up in the projects. However, she still managed to graduate from college and raise four boys. If there’s anything that she’s learned from having many trials and tribulations in her life, it's that you're always going to receive more Noes than Yeses, and you're also going to give out more noes. It's simply because our parents instilled no in us as children and society has instilled no in us as adults.

Therefore, the thought of operating outside the norm of what everyone else is doing can be terrifying. Sometimes we say no with no valid reason other than exercising our right to say no or we're afraid of what the results of yes look like. Although there is a place for no if saying yes leads you to a path of self-destruction, hurt, harm, or danger. However, the majority of the time we say or hear no is not from fearing we're in danger, but more so from a place of feeling that we won't succeed. In this case, no is considered to be the fear of failure. The truth of the matter is that we are creatures of habit and anything that challenges that, our natural instinct is to push back. Even if what we're currently doing hasn't worked or is no longer working, we are more likely to continue to do the same thing while expecting different results. The last time she checked, that was considered the definition of insanity. She believes it's fair to say that we've all had our share of insanity according to this. She too was guilty of binding this fear around her neck and restricting her right to say yes to her hopes and dreams. However, there came a point in her life when she decided that she would no longer be a victim to the word no. She began to view it as she just needed to keep going forward until she gets to the yes that she's looking for. 

Instead of operating in fear, she chose to start operating in faith. The more she operated in faith, she soon found out that faith is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Because of her faith, she has seen God move mountains in her life. Though she still receives many noes, her faith propels her towards the yes that God has for her. The results of the yes are so amazing, sometimes she forgets that no exists. If you really want to know how to get to this place of faith and align yourself with God's yes, children are our best teachers. They will ask you the same question over and over again until they get the answer they're looking for or if they receive a no from one parent, they just go ask the other, and if that's a no, they go to the grandparents which most likely ends with a yes. Although no has been instilled in them, they're still willing to explore the opportunity of receiving a yes. At times we too should be like children and explore the possibilities of what yes could be. So don't let the fear of receiving a no or the fear or failure stop you from following your hopes and dreams. Have faith that everything is working for your good, and just know that faith doesn't start off as big as a tree, it begins as a mustard seed, and it will grow over time. | |


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