by Toks Omowunmi Olunloyo

Admit it, you've been asked that question too many times, "So, what is your life’s purpose?" in every social gathering, church event, conferences even at trainings. You smile, nod and reply, " I think (blah, blah blah) and (blah, blah, blah). Repeating your job title and where you work as your life purpose or perhaps you say I don’t know I am still searching.
How do you find your place, position & purpose in life and occupy it? I’m not talking about your employment, your daily duties, or even your long-term goals. I mean the reason why you’re here — the very reason you exist. Perhaps you feel you have lost yourself, maybe you are beginning to worry a little or a lot about your life and maybe you are losing sleep at times?
According to to find something means to discover it; to determine the existence, presence, or fact of; a place is position, an area, a spot, or a space; a position is a point where something is located, as in on a map or the posture it’s arranged in such as an upright position, a job in an organisation. When you do something with purpose, you do it with determination. When your activities have a purpose, you have an aim or intention in mind.
A woman’s primary call is to be a helper. You were made to help. Every celebrated woman has helped e.g. Abigail wife of Nabal. Think about it for a moment; reflect on your journey so far. There has to be a reason why you survived all the challenges that happened in your life. Seriously think about it again.

Know who you are: Who are you? The Bible is clear about that in Gen1: 26-28. Understanding who you are make a massive impact on how you act, behave and carry yourself.
Know your gift and calling: What do you have is the question Elisha asked the widow in 2Kings 4: 1-7 and she replied nothing SAVE a jar of oil. This jar of oil is what paid her debt and changed her life. So, I ask you what do you have? Romans11: 29, Proverbs 18:16. Carry out a SWOT analysis and use the information correctly to your advantage.
Know where you are: Where are you right now? What seasons are you in? What works have you done? What is burning on the inside of you? What has God said to you? What makes you angry? What are you passionate about? Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Ecclesiastes 9:10. The key lies in the answers to all these questions.
Know your fears: What is holding you back? What self-limiting belief are you holding on to? What scares you? What is your mindset? What is stopping you? Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 41:13, 2Tim1: 7. Release your fears to God.
Know when to start: Timing is everything. Get a mentor to guide you. Position yourself as the person that can help. Be in company of likeminded people. Seek God’s face and spend time in His presence and God will reveal himself to you. God has all the answers. Matthew 6:33, Jeremiah 29:11 “Your life is meant to make impact”. God’s will is that your life makes impact, start living that life Now. There are lots of needs in the world, there is a ministry in you, and there is work to be done. You can only function when you are in your place. Find your place, position and purpose and stay there.
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