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Don’t Limit Yourself, Go Travel!

Life has a lot of ups and downs that can make it hard to move forward. But when this happens, you have to believe and keep pushing forward. The world is a big place and it’s worth enduring many hardships to experience a place or an adventure that will help you grow as a person. Every time that you travel to a new place, new memories are acquired, and a new understanding is learned. Even traveling to closer destinations can be packed full of new adventures and these can be places for you to expand your mind. 

Since after my traumatic brain injury, I had to relearn how to use my brain and how to function. But I didn’t let that stop me from enjoying my life. Travel has always called to me, and it was also a great way to help me with healing. Every person is different. So, I know that this won’t work for everyone. But when it comes to traveling, it’s good to keep an open mind and don’t limit yourself! If you want to travel, do it! If there’s a new town or city that you have been dreaming about, go see it! Live life as you want. You’re the one that gets to decide what you can and can’t do in your own life. 

Step 1: What Are Your Limiting Beliefs?

The first step in overcoming your limits is to realize what they are. Once you have figured out what they are, then reflect on where they came from. Now, this could be anything. For me, I would get horrible piercing headaches from the weather. At first, I thought that meant that I wouldn’t be able to travel to countries with high humidity. But after two years of healing from my car accident, I traveled to Cambodia and Thailand with no issues with my head. Now, what I’m saying with this is that you have to listen to your body and don’t live in fear. 

Step 2: What Are Your Limiting Beliefs?

Sometimes you must get out of your comfort zone in order to grow as a person. But once you do that, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t done it sooner. Each time that we get out of our comfort zone, we get closer to becoming the person that we truly are. I can understand that you may be scared to leave what you are familiar with. However, if you want to change something in your life, then you first have to change you. 

Step 3: Limiting Belief

Another step that is pretty important would be to get rid of that limiting belief that’s keeping you from traveling. If you want to travel, then you can make it happen. Don’t let that limiting thought control your outcome. There are all kinds of people that travel, which means that it’s possible for you too. We have about 8 billion people in the world, so if they haven’t found a way yet, it’s probably in the making. 

Step 4: Curiosity

Once you do take the step to travel, look at the new place as though you were a kid. Stay curious and don’t judge whatever it is that you experience or see. This way your time traveling won’t be destroyed by your mind taking over. When you live through the eyes of curiosity, you might find joy in the little things and that’s one of the best things about traveling. Some of the smallest things can leave a big impression. 

Step 4: Take the Step

Finally, the last step. You’ve done all the other steps and all that’s left is taking the action towards making it happen. This means that you have to start researching, planning, and buying the tickets. At this stage I’m usually filled to the brim with excitement and happiness. Everything feels more real once you start purchasing the tickets and planning what you will do during the trip. 

Now, I hope this helped you and gave you more of a look when it comes to limiting beliefs and traveling. Don’t forget your camera on your travels and be sure to get some pointers or inspiration from my travel blog, Misfit Wanders. If you still feel a bit lost to move forward, then check out my book, The Wandering Heart: A Tale of a Traveling Misfit in Life’s Wilderness. In this book, I talk about how I overcame my traumatic brain injury and how I was able to keep pushing forward. Plus, you’ll get some chapters dedicated to some of the places that have had a huge impact on my life while I was healing. 

About the Author:

Dani Rosenblad James is a quirky American lady who lives in Sweden and has been for 6 years with her Swedish hubby and their son. Her passions are what fueled all the work that she does nowadays. She’s a travel blogger, influencer, speaker, mind and body coach, and an author. Learn more about her on her website,

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