As we journey through our lives, we rarely make it through without meeting others who have their own agenda, and you just accidentally get in their way. Sometimes, these people can be very cruel and fierce in their manner towards you.
I’m here to share what I did to overcome their negativity and cruelty in my life. I turned my experiences into award winning children’s books. Woven between the pages of each book is the story of what happened, including things that were said to me and actions taken towards me.
Dragon's Breath is a magnificently illustrated, fanciful, and unique story by Dr. Dawn Menge! This wonderful book welcomes readers to the Kingdom of Quails, a beautiful kingdom where the people thrive and treat each other with care. It is ruled by the loving power couple of King Teddy and Queen Giggles. Life is good in the Kingdom of Quails until, one day, a malevolent and manipulative dragon visits it.
The dragon proves to be a pathological liar, getting everyone in the kingdom to believe, trust, and follow her despite her ill intentions.
Even King Teddy and Queen Giggles fall for her lies. The dragon's defining characteristic seems to be her jealousy as she becomes jealous of the happiness that King Teddy and Queen Giggles have for one another. She seems to have some degree of affection for Teddy, almost like a jealous ex-girlfriend, and resents the fact that he loves Giggles. This prompts the dragon, who lacks the ability to breathe fire, to blanket the kingdom with the smoke she breathes, causing all of the crops to fail and hurting the very people she earlier pretended to be friends with.
This book is incredible in a lot of ways. The main thing that stuck out to us immediately is that the art is superb. It's phenomenal! We'd recently seen a professionally, traditionally-published take on the Beauty and the Beast story, and this book—which we presume to be independently-published—looks just as good if not better! The other two stars of the book, King Teddy and Queen Giggles, look handsome and gorgeous respectively. Scratch that, they look drop-dead handsome and drop-dead gorgeous. They both might be in the running for “Hottest Character.” Heck, even the peasants look great! That's always saying something when the side characters—NPCs—who don't even have names are made to look incredible.

As my healing continues, She Rises Studios has offered me an opportunity to expand my writing career and express my experiences more directly. I have joined the Voices of 100 women docuseries and solo book. The Christmas Wreath is a more descriptive account of my experiences and the romance that was the center of the turmoil.
Harmony and her love Scott have endured years of gaslighting, threats, vandalism, and chaos, but they finally are able to find peacefulness in their togetherness. This is my first romance novel, and I am very excited to see it published and brought to the world.
If you would like to join in the writing journey, please pick up a copy of my newest workbook. It will help you to delve into your own experiences, core values and adventures to gain inspiration from your life. Whether it is a children’s book, romance, self-help, or poetry, it is your story and it is important. Connect with Dr. Dawn Menge https://landofquailshouse.com http://www.facebook.com/dawn.menge1 http://www.instagram.com/queenvernita http://www.twitter.com/queenvernita