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Going from Accountability to Abundance with Grace

She Rises Studios

by Pauline Grouette

Do you remember the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Jack Frost, or the Sandman? Childhood figures co-exist to help a child navigate the challenges life presents them with. Magic is believing before seeing, and having faith requires no evidence. To adults these energetic beings may be imaginary though as children, do you remember how real they felt? They all had magic that we believed in so our dreams would come true. I know I did. It has been proven through various studies that from newborn to age seven, this is the most influential time in our life. As a child with limited life experience it was easier to have faith that these ‘people’ were looking out for us, than the cold reality that exists.  As I grew into adulthood, faith diminished and life unleashed the harsh realities that are in many people’s lives. After living through abuse, rape, suicidal ideologies, abandonment, single parenthood, I always knew that I was deserving of more. I simply needed to figure out how to process what was presented to me and over time I kept making it to the other side. Sometimes a curveball would be thrown and I would need to decide whether I wanted to navigate around it or hit it straight on! I am not a baseball guru and I will not pretend to be, but what I do know is that in order to live your life to its fullest, having faith in something needs to be present.  While on a life changing retreat in Peru, I learned more profoundly, that faith is unique for everyone. One could have faith in God, a rock, the Universe, or the most powerful in my opinion is oneself. No one knows you like you. Learning to listen to your intuition (magic or superconscious) made me aware of the actions or events that can emotionally paralyse you or be the catalyst for change. 

After my second divorce, and my children were grown, I was given my sign that the energy, or my faith, still existed. I was rear-ended by a semi truck on the highway carrying water so I was hit twice, as the water swished back and forth in the trailer. I barely had a scratch on the outside, the inside was much different. This experience made me realise how I got caught up with the responsibilities of life as I navigated through victim mode, then survival mode and finally decided enough was enough! Those childhood beliefs resurfaced the hope that dreams can come true. My dreams of creating an environment where unconditional love and non-judgement became my reality were alive! I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to sharing that energy with others by creating a sanctuary where others could also start to live again.  Acceptance of my faults, forgiveness of my mistakes, reconnecting with my inner child allowed me to become the leader and Alchemist I am today. I allowed myself to process what needed to be so I could serve my clients how I needed. I continued to forgive all those who hurt me, my ancestors were brought more peace and the chains that once held me down, were now broken. The ripples of my actions have taken effect.  The magical energy, or faith in oneself, that has been in my life continues to bless me as an author, CBT practitioner, Vision Board Facilitator and Fulfillment Mentor! As CEO of Guided Journey Coaching, I take pride in guiding my clients from accountability to abundance. Allow your renaissance to unfold! 


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